Excellence Garden is a company created in 2017, specialising in landscaping and the creation of green spaces for individuals in the Var and Alpes Maritimes.
This company can meet all your requirements from the design of your projects, by producing 3D plans, landscape sketches and photomontages to the realisation of all types of work mentioned below.
We meet your requests for earthworks, riprap, automatic watering, creation of Mediterranean grass, landscaping masonry, wooden decking, Mediterranean, South African landscaping (unique in the region).
Our qualified team puts forward its skills to carry out water-saving and sustainable landscaping over time. We also offer the maintenance of the landscaping carried out, adapted to the region and to the growth periods of your plants.
After many years of study in the world of landscape, graduate of the Olympiades des métiers, graduate of the ITIAPE higher school of landscape engineering, carrying out numerous internships abroad in renowned design offices such as UYS and White in South Africa.
I draw on my personal and professional experience to put all my passion and know-how to create gardens with harmony and common sense.
The company is in collaboration with the family business Nature et Habitat Varois managed by Mr TELEGINE Igor, a landscape gardener for more than 30 years in the Var region.
The complicity of the two companies will allow us to respond to any project with a personalised and tailor-made follow-up.